Education and Work Experience: 

1944 Born in Mannheim, Germany, grew up in Duisburg
Studies in History at the Free University of Berlin
1980-1982 Studies in Special Education of handicapped children, Free University of Berlin
Work as Special Education Teacher in Berlin
1984-1989 Studies in Theater Arts at the Berlin Art Academy
Studies at the Laboratory for Photography in Berlin
Active as photographer in Germany and Italy
Since 1992 Full-time occupation as photographer
Member of ASART/ Artisti Scultori Associati, Italy 
Member of BBK Hamburg        
Lives and works in Terrinca ( Italy) and Hamburg and Berlin (Germany)
Group shows Since 1993 in: Berlin, Marburg, Hagen, Siegen (D) and Pietrasanta, Carrara, Camaiore, Seravezza (I).
Solo shows Since 1993 in: Berlin, Marburg, Bad Segeberg (D) and Pietrasanta, Camaiore, Lido di Camaiore, Viareggio, Pistoia (I). 
Catalogues The face speaks 2008 (texts: Fred Licht, Massimo Durante)
Passo d'Addio (Michele Benvenuti)
Il Colore del Mare (Pietro Conti)
Dentro lo Specchio (Michele Benvenuti)
Brochures 1. Message from next Door (2006)
2. The face speaks (2007)
as curator
for H & Art (100 artists in the ex-hospital) Pietrasanta 2003 and RoccArt 2004 (catalogues) 

Commissions and Sellings

From 1996 up to now to private collections in Berlin, Betzdorf, Regensburg, Marburg, Bad Laasphe (Germany) and Pietrasanta and  Pistoia(Italy).


Fred Licht (Guggenheim Foundation, Venice): Exposition The face speaks of  Siebel and Heilfurth in Pistoia ( in: The Artist's Book: The Face speaks  2008)
Massimo Durante
(University of Turin): Difficulty of Beauty and Beauty of Difficulty (Culture supplement of Il Sole 24ore, Torino 2007)
Elisa Giannini:
Project Facing, 2008
Michele Benvenuti:
Volti (Faces) (exposition: Message from next door, Pietrasanta 2006)
Pietro Conti:
Il Colore del Mare (The Color of the Sea) (catalogue  exposition  Il Colore del Mare, 2003, Camaiore)
Michele Benvenuti:
La Cifra è il Tempo ( Time is the Key ) (catalogue expositon Passo  d'Addio)
Michele Benvenuti:
Ad una fabbricante di specchi (For a Fabricant of Mirrors) (catalogue exposition Dentro lo Specchio, Viareggio 1997)
Pietro Conti: Germania Anno Zero (Germany Year Zero)( exposition Casa di Nessuno, Pietrasanta 1996)